seek my inspiration it the stories of the people I encounter. I have
been blessed to meet many types of people following various paths.
My ears are always open to listen to them tell their tales. We often
become trapped in our own circles, our friend, family, and co-workers
become our reference for what people are like, and what life is like.
We often forget that there are people out there who are very
different from us.
writing style is often flavored by the voices of the authors I am
reading, or the teachers I study with. As my knowledge base and
vocabulary row, my words change, and so does my message. I started
down a very different path, I wanted to be an actor, or a film maker.
I learned all I wanted to about these fields, then thought I would
study fitness and nutrition. It was close, but not perfect. Finally
I realized I wanted to be a healer. I love people and I decided I
wanted to help them lead fuller, happier lives. Psychology was added
to my repertoire, and now I study energy healing. When I meet
people, I am deeply affected by their journeys.
inspiration often stays in my head, fermenting, processing the new
data. When the time is right, and I have reworked the information
over and over again in my mind, it finally bursts onto the page.
This is difficult when I am working on a deadline. I find many
notebooks with ides I've started and got stuck on. Some are awful,
others I store for a later, inspired moment.
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