In addition to that, I am a Holistic Wellness Coach, which means that in addition to talking to people to advise them, I also do hypnosis and teach yoga. I finish up my commitment to my "job job" I need my voice to sell wine to the public.
Fear. I have had a bad cough and cold for weeks now. I even called out of work on Friday, something I have only done twice before in my 6 years with the company. What you fear is what you find. I found my fear.
I am using all of the wellness tools at my disposal, herbal teas, OTC meds, drinking a gallon of water or more per day, vaporizer, scarf, not talking, trying to get sleep, no alcohol, less smoking.
Yes, I am still smoking, it feels good on my scratchy throat, but I am down to one a day in 3 parts. Since I stopped drinking I don't want to smoke as much. Funny thing I didn't want to smoke at all until I took DayQuil and then I really enjoyed a cigarette.
Is this a sign to honor silence, or rest up before I get pneumonia again? I have had it twice and I always fear that it will come back. Fear. I fear pneumonia more than my cancer coming back.
My greatest fear is that I will have to have a hole cut in my throat and talk with an electric thing-a-ma-bob over the hole.
I wonder, because I know myself, if I am not suppressing some other fear, a fear I am not admitting (I rarely admit fear, and just go forward in spite of it) and this is showing up in my body. I know I fear success and now that I have my degrees and certification it is one less thing in the way of my success. By losing my voice, I have a new and shiny excuse. I mucus filled, hacking kind of thing that hurts my body and makes me sad.
Not only do I need my voice, I love my voice! I was not blessed with the ability to sing, but I was blessed with a wide and varied range of pitches and tones in my speaking voice, it's the type of voice you want to hypnotize you, or make you laugh.
Today I will continue to honor my healing process and relax. Perhaps some self-hypnosis for confidence will remove the fear that may be causing the fear to find anchor in my body. If not, it is still a lovely way to spend a half an hour. De-stress not distress, ease not dis-ease.
"Life ain't a track meet, it's a marathon." -Ice Cube
Excuses and fears lead to dis-ease.
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