Monday, January 28, 2013

Journey to Cleanse

I am in the process of eliminating vices, so I may better and more easily undertake the 7 day Pancha Karma cleanse as described by Ayurvedic teachings.  This is not a fat, as I will eat beans and rice seasoned with Ayurvedic Dosha balancing/Prana restoring herbs and teas.  However, my human vices are many at this moment. 

Instead of going "cold turkey" I am weaning myself from one per week, fast food was last week (the easiest one, as I only eat it 1 or 2 times a month), this week I am tackling coffee.  I purchased dandelion tea, it was on sale and tastes a lot like coffee.  This morning, I brewed a small pot of half coffee/half tea, it's really good!  3 weeks to cleanse.  I am really excited to try this challenge and restore balance to my body.  Years of parties, and remnants of chemo/radiation still linger in my tissue.  I have finally come to a point in my life where I am really ready to let go of my crutches, and walk in light.  I encourage you to look at the things that have become habits, and decide for yourself if they still honor you.  I have a few that will be more difficult, but after practicing with the easy ones, I hope to gain strength slowly and steadily and naturally, until the thought of escaping seems unnatural compared to facing emotions and daily occurrences head on.

I go forward in love and peace, leaving fear behind.  Blessed be!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Remote Control Confessions-Creative Writing

    I am the most loved item in the house.  The man loves me most, more than almost any other object on this table.  I have only been here about 2 years, less time than the little dude that kind of looks like me, he's small and not used very often.  If you ask him, he'll tell you how he used to be popular, back before they got "cable" and "satellite TV".  Yeah, he was the cat's meow back then, his counterpart could play DVDs and VHS tapes.  I once asked him what a VHS tape was, he said he could barely remember, and his buddy was usually just eating DVDs and spitting them out. 

    I came here in a box, I was so young and new, so shiny and smooth, I had no idea what I was in for.  From the minute the man is home until after he's nodded off a few times, I am in his hand, or at a place of honor at his side, easy to access.  Without me, he wouldn't be able to change the channel, or see what was on all of his stations.  I am his magic wand, when he holds me he has ultimate control of the boxes.  The box I talk to, and the big flat one with the pictures.  I like to believe I make the pictures, but I know it's really the Big Guy somewhere out there beaming them to my buddy who tells the TV what to show.  I tell the Big Guy, though, I am important. 

    The worst part about my job is the wear and tear on me.  When a battery is low, I get slapped and smacked in the man's attempt to get a little more juice out of Mr. and Mrs. AAA-of-the-moment.  When that doesn't work, it's rip off my backside and spin the batteries, and eventually, the transplant.  I gotta say, I feel great when I get new juice.

    I do feel a little embarrassed by how dirty I am.  The man works on cars, and drinks soda, a deadly combo od blackness on my buttons and he doesn't care.  The boy doesn't either, in fact, I've seen the guy who works his room, and I look like a baby pageant queen in comparison.  I wish the woman would clean me more often.  It's so nice, she takes out the batteries so it's just me and her.  Then she cleans my body, even the cracks, and the buttons, oh how I love it when she cleans the buttons!  I look new again, if only for a day or two. 

    If I had any advice to give, it would be this:  Use that little red power button more often, and shut off the flat faced TV.  Look at your family, maybe dig out a board game.  If it makes you feel more comfortable, I'll sit next to you and watch.  Ha, that'll be a switch!  The TV and remote watching humans do stuff, what a world!

Bio-Who am I

Jo Anna Larson has always been passionate about good food, and eating it.  A regular at all of the diners in her home town of Oak Creek, Jo Anna's love of food was soon joined by the insanity of body dismorphic disorder in her teens.  Marriage, a wee baby and a bought with Leukemia came and went, and with those challenges she became stronger, but it was not until she was 38 that she finally, and fully loved and accepted her body.

She thought about all of the abusive actions and language she used and realized much of her sadness and illness came from a lack of self love and acceptance.  Healing isn't easy, but she did it.  She not only healed her heart, but soon after her body followed. 

Jo Anna combines energy healing, guided meditation and proper nutrition (disguised as delicious food) in a way that makes it easy and fun to get to know the authentic you and introduce them to the world!  It is her mission to spread the message of self-love  to anyone who is ready for the journey.

She has studied psychology and nutrition both formally and informally for over 20 years, and is attending the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in order to add Cranial Unwinding, Reiki, Ayurvedic Techniques, and Yoga to her tool kit.