Monday, January 28, 2013

Journey to Cleanse

I am in the process of eliminating vices, so I may better and more easily undertake the 7 day Pancha Karma cleanse as described by Ayurvedic teachings.  This is not a fat, as I will eat beans and rice seasoned with Ayurvedic Dosha balancing/Prana restoring herbs and teas.  However, my human vices are many at this moment. 

Instead of going "cold turkey" I am weaning myself from one per week, fast food was last week (the easiest one, as I only eat it 1 or 2 times a month), this week I am tackling coffee.  I purchased dandelion tea, it was on sale and tastes a lot like coffee.  This morning, I brewed a small pot of half coffee/half tea, it's really good!  3 weeks to cleanse.  I am really excited to try this challenge and restore balance to my body.  Years of parties, and remnants of chemo/radiation still linger in my tissue.  I have finally come to a point in my life where I am really ready to let go of my crutches, and walk in light.  I encourage you to look at the things that have become habits, and decide for yourself if they still honor you.  I have a few that will be more difficult, but after practicing with the easy ones, I hope to gain strength slowly and steadily and naturally, until the thought of escaping seems unnatural compared to facing emotions and daily occurrences head on.

I go forward in love and peace, leaving fear behind.  Blessed be!

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