Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mirror,, Who Cares!?

It may come as a surprise to some of you, but I am not vain.  I do not freak out over the passage of time on my face and body, nor do I berate myself for putting on some weight.

The advertisers of America want me to hate myself.  I am sure it pisses them off when I don't care if a wrap, or face cream "works".  That is not a great selling point to me.  What I want to know, is why I should trade $25+ to be skinnier for a day or two, or what I am getting for my $50+ other than slightly smoother skin that will disappear when I stop using the product?

It's not that I am naturally immune to advertising, no I am its escaped victim!  I really believed happiness was "skinny"  whatever that was.  I chased it for over 20 years waiting for a magic weight to solve all of my problems and make me love myself.  I starved and took pills and vomited and called myself all sorts of names.  I was even 108 lbs.  You know what?  I was miserable.

Sometimes I grow out of my clothes, and that's okay.  When I feel like getting moving again, I have lots of stored energy to facilitate my activity.  My friends and family don't care if I gain weight, their love is not conditional based on the size and shape of my body.  When I was "skinny" I still didn't recognize it since nobody gave me a dream car or $50,000 to reward my efforts.  If I got a refund check for every penny I spent getting "skinny" maybe that would motivate me...maybe.  If a person dying of a chronic disease was spared from death for every ten pounds I dropped, then I would be more committed...maybe.

As for my face, don't even tell me to rub poison on it or inject poison into it, or worse cut it up and stretch it.  I look great for my age, I look like me.  Here's a little known fact, too.  Just about anything you rub on your face consistently twice a day will help eliminate small lines.  Even coconut and olive oils.  Why?  Because of miracles and amazing technology?  NO.  Because you are stimulating your skin and fluffing it up with blood.  Fold forward and give yourself a face massage.  Viola!  Fewer wrinkles!  It's all about hydration, the more water in your skin, the more youthful it looks.  Dink water, avoid things that dehydrate, stay out of the sun.  FREE!!!!

I am not going to empty my wallet on things that change my appearance temporarily, but offer no other benefit.  Heck, I'd like a refund for the crap I already bought...

This is not to say I don't have the odd "bad" day, but it's usually hormones or lack of sleep that is fueling it and not a deep self-loathing driven by my need to hold onto youth no matter the cost.

My body is mine, it is private, that is why you won't see me talking about my weight, or weight loss effort, or if I am even wearing a body today.  It's my business.

I bless all of the others on their journey and remind you that no matter how "skinny" or smooth you are, if you don't love yourself, you are just torturing your body and wasting your money.

Hypnosis and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) "Tapping" are great ways to start bridging the gap between loathe and love.  I can help you.  Eating foods that don't make your body crazy is another way to help keep you calm and rational while you work on your health and wellness.  I can help you.  Moving your body not only tones it physically, it sends all sorts of lovely chemicals to your cells and makes you feel great naturally.  Yoga aligns and centers.  I can help you.

I am not against self-maintenance, I am simply against fads that do little more than drain your wallet and get you hooked by offering no lasting results and playing on your vanity.  Sometimes I feel like the oddball because I don't hate my body or face, but I want to start a revolution of people who love themselves!  It feels awesome, it is sooooo so liberating!

You must take care of your whole being, body, mind and spirit in order to achieve true lasting self-love.  You'll know when you're there because you will love yourself no matter what the mirror or scale say.  You will see your true beauty and so will everybody else!
A balanced lifestyle allows for vacations.

Surya Mudra: Promises weight loss and is free, less risky than pills...Hand Yoga

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